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Tuesday, 16 October 2007

YesBut stop hanging about

I tell you that parrot is dead!

(Click here to read today’s posting on YesBut Thinking Aloud)

ozlady 's suggested caption -

"But Dad, it DOES look like a big hanging turd"

"Shut-up Bradley or I'll give you what for!"

Doug 's caption -

Mommy..I think the walls are closing in on us...Mommy...Mo..AAAAHHHHHHH!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Captionists

Just to remind you the comment section for Saturdays Image is still open awaiting your caption.

If your a bit puzzled by the picture, it was taken outside the Clink Museum and illustrates the practice in former times of displaying the body of executed prisoners.

Fortunately the practice now only occurs, when people don't post a suitable caption on the blog.

Anonymous said...

"But Dad, it DOES look like a big hanging turd"

"Shut-up Bradley or I'll give you what for!"

Doug said...

Mommy..I think the walls are closing
in on us...Mommy...Mo..AAAAHHHHHHH!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Captionists

It's a rough life hanging around all day, waiting to read your captions.

The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry

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