Saturday, 28 July 2007
- Alex L said...
Howards helmet cam had made his 'dogging' trips so much easier.
28 July 2007 at 10:28
- Doug said...
Next the killer trees appeared at
a hootenany. It was a day the park
visitors would never forget. -
29 July 2007 at 00:18
Anonymous said...
"The Birch is Back" by Elton Lawn
29 July 2007 at 02:10
Anonymous said...
My mind is a blank on this one, but I vote for:
Pope Terry 's suggested caption -
"hey hey pretty lady, you ever you wanna see some dirty street theatre."
on Thursday, 26 July 2007 -
29 July 2007 at 02:21
- YesBut said...
Good morning Captionists
The photo was taken outside Tate Modern, art gallery, London. Not that we've had sunshine this summer to sit on the grass. -
29 July 2007 at 09:41
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"Howards helmet cam had made his 'dogging' trips so much easier."
"Next the killer trees appeared at a hootenany. It was a day the park visitors would never forget."
"The Birch is Back" by Elton Lawn