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Tuesday, 6 November 2007

YesBut make way

(Today’s posting on YesBut Thinking Aloud is dedicated to Chewy for the caption posted on YesBut’s Image on 10th August 2007. Click here to read more . . . )
Doug 's caption -

The Baron Casket Company rolled out their budget-minded, three sided coffin today which drew silence from a stunned crowd.

alphonsedamoose 's caption -

Some people clean up after elephants, we clean up after politicians.

CHEWY 's (Oh Doug! Darn! I was casket minded on this one. You beat me to it. Okay here's one.) caption -

Come on Jimmy, go faster. I want to feel the wind in my hair.

Pope Terry 's caption -

Cut backs at the 'A' Team.


Doug said...

The Baron Casket Company rolled
out their budget-minded, three sided coffin today which drew silence from
a stunned crowd.

alphonsedamoose said...

Some people clean up after elephants, we clean up after politicians.

Anonymous said...

Oh Doug! Darn! I was casket minded on this one. You beat me to it.

Okay here's one.

Come on Jimmy, go faster. I want to feel the wind in my hair.

Alex L said...

Cut backs at the 'A' Team.

YesBut said...

Good morning Captionists

There are some mornings when the reaction to reading the captions posted is YES. No need to say anything more, but sit back and enjoy.

The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry

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