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Sunday, 4 November 2007

Village cricket match

Doug 's caption -

Son of Tourist: "Mommy what is Cricket?"
Mother: "These men toss and hit insects back and forth."
Son: "Daddy...Has Mommy always been this daft?"

indicaspecies 's caption -

Howzzat umpire?

Catmoves 's caption -

No, no, no! Hit the ball, not the catcher.

Moi 's caption -

ballsy gentlemen!!!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Captionists.

Don't forget the double treat, you can still post your Song Titles suggested by Saturdays' image.

Doug said...

Son of Tourist:
"Mommy what is Cricket?"
"These men toss and hit
insects back and forth."
"Daddy...Has Mommy always
been this daft?"

indicaspecies said...

Howzzat umpire?

Catmoves said...

No, no, no! Hit the ball, not the catcher.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

ballsy gentlemen!!!

YesBut said...

Good morning Captionists
It wasn't a real cricket match, if it was it would be raining.

Summer afternoon, village playing field,dogs on leash, pint of warm beer in hand. How's that? Not out.

Very funny captions.

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