YesBut haven't I not seen him before?
(Today’s posting on YesBut Thinking Aloud is dedicated to David McMahon for the caption he posted on YesBut’s Image on 12th August 2007. Click here to read more . . . )
Yes, I'm headless, and so it's time to sweep me off my feet now.
So what if I am headless? My poor tired feet need a foot massage now.
Lets face it, thats one hell of a ride.
Thanks for your comment on my blog and visiting.
Keeping my eye on your blog too.
Good morning captionists.
End of another week of captions. Off now to select the Caption of the Week.
Don't forget to turn the clocks back tonight.Though I guess in the Southern Hemisphere they will be turning it forward.
The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry
Yes, I'm headless, and so it's time to sweep me off my feet now.
So what if I am headless? My poor tired feet need a foot massage now.
Lets face it, thats one hell of a ride.