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Monday, 15 October 2007

YesBut clap hands

Today is Blog Action Day.
This year the target is action to save the environment.

So let us all do something, however small, to save the planet for our children and future generations.

(Today’s posting on YesBut Thinking Aloud examines a subject which raised a degree of interest last week. (Chewy its posted especially for you) Click here to read more . . .)

Doug 's caption -

Step right up!...Just one pound gets you five balls to hit any kid and win a prize!

Pope Terry 's caption -

Even with the actors attempt excite the audience, the clown version of the 'passion of the christ' wasnt going well.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Captionists
Just to remind you the comment section for Saturdays Image is still open awaiting your caption.

Doug said...

Step right up!...Just one pound gets
you five balls to hit any kid
and win a prize!

Hi YesBut,
Sorry to have missed the last
few photos but should be back
on a regular basis. Take care.


Alex L said...

Even with the actors attempt excite the audience, the clown version of the 'passion of the christ' wasnt going well.

Anonymous said...

Ho Doug
My friend its always a pleasure to read your postings.

Anonymous said...

If you take a close up look of the girl on the left (in pink stripes) she's looking at the boy in orange - if looks could kill.

The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry

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