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Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Supermarket checkout

(Click here to read today’s posting on YesBut Thinking Aloud)

Doug 's caption -

Boy..You buy 50 candy bars and people look at ya strange! And yes they're
for me!!!

CHEWY 's caption -

Hurry up! Bob T. Bear can't know we went to Tesco without him.

Pope Terry 's caption -

Old lady: I found this baby in the pet food section but it isnt priced"


Doug said...

Boy..You buy 50 candy bars and people look at ya strange! And yes they're
for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Hurry up! Bob T. Bear can't know we went to Tesco without him.

Alex L said...

Old lady: I found this baby in the pet food section but it isnt priced"

Anonymous said...

Good morning Captionists

As the captions posted are of such high standard, the Editorial Board of YesBut's Images has decided to make a special offer, for today only, "post one caption, get the second caption at half price"

The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry

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