Wednesday, 10 October 2007
- YesBut said...
Good morning Captionists
As you can see below, I am leaving the comment section of yesterdays image open until the end of the week.
I think after you've read todays YesBut's Thinking Aloud blog you will be able to think up some really funny captions.
Also to remind you the Saturday Image will remain open for a week for you to post Book Titles (imaginary or real) suggested by the image. -
10 October 2007 at 09:07
- Mommy Lutchi said...
i never see a bubble man before....looks fun.Mine is up at The Four Seasons Of My Life Hope you can visit me too.
10 October 2007 at 19:07
- Doug said...
Bubble Man: See Mum? I'm living
proof one that one doesn't need
university to make something
of themselves!
Oh hell Henry! He's out again.
Didn't I tell you to put better
locks on his bedroom door? -
10 October 2007 at 19:17
Anonymous said...
Can I pop it? Can I? Can I?
10 October 2007 at 21:02
- Alex L said...
No one thought mimes could get any creepier, but once he threatened to trap small children in a bubble it was obvious things went to a whole new level of creepy.
11 October 2007 at 07:37
- YesBut said...
Welcome Gwapasila
Please make yourself at home and leave captions for the photograph. -
11 October 2007 at 09:55
- YesBut said...
Good morning Captionists
I just love the colour of the bubble.
Chewy - is it a snap shot or work of art?
Doug - glad to see your captions
Pope Terry - pleased you have time, particularly with your new job, to visit. -
11 October 2007 at 10:42
The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry
Bubble Man: See Mum? I'm living proof one that one doesn't need university to make something of themselves!
Oh hell Henry! He's out again.
Didn't I tell you to put better locks on his bedroom door?
Can I pop it? Can I? Can I?
No one thought mimes could get any creepier, but once he threatened to trap small children in a bubble it was obvious things went to a whole new level of creepy.