Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Anonymous said...
ha ha... beat you!!... Siddharth Khandelwal
1 August 2007 at 10:19
Anonymous said...
Sizzling Hot Wheels Trains!
(Doug, remember those?) -
1 August 2007 at 16:01
- david mcmahon said...
1. Victoria Stationary
2. Three finalists in the Paddington Pair lookalike contest
3. Ya posture's good, but ya carriage is terrible ...
PS, YesBut, it's great to see new people leaving captions here. Well done, mate
David -
1 August 2007 at 21:56
Anonymous said...
"Hi Harry! How were your holidays? Looking forward to another year at Hogwarth's?"
2 August 2007 at 05:56
- YesBut said...
Good morning Captionists.
The fourth consecutive day of sunshine in London, another three days like this and the Government will declare a drought with a ban on the use of hosepipes.
I remember as a kid coming to London on holiday, Paddington Station seemed so vast. There must have been a thirty year gap before I travelled again from Paddington, I was shocked, it looked so small compared to Waterloo and Victoria stations.
Siddhartha - it does look like a race.
Chewy - you’ll have to explain hot wheels to the Brits and Aussies.
David - yes it is nice to have new contributors.
Ozlady - a few months ago we had visitors from Holland, the first thing the kids wanted to do was visit Kings Cross Station, to see platform (?sorry I’m not a Potter fan). But they were all delighted to have their photo taken next to a trolley disappearing into a wall. -
2 August 2007 at 09:14
The winner for the week 17th to 23rd May 2008 is: ???? Click here to see the winning entry
"ha ha... beat you!!"
"Sizzling Hot Wheels Trains!"
(Doug, remember those?)
"Victoria Stationary"
"Three finalists in the Paddington Pair lookalike contest"
"Ya posture's good, but ya carriage is terrible"
"Hi Harry! How were your holidays? Looking forward to another year at Hogwarth's?"